Monday, March 15, 2010

Battle of the Sexes week 1- guys

Here is what I talked about with the guys on our first week of the new series

Battle of the Sexes
Week 1- Guys
What is a man? - to you what does it mean to become or be a man
For me growing up it was the first time you got laid, then that catapulted you to becoming a man.
Has times changed at all?
I checked the question on yahoo answers and this is some of what I found
David says “The only standard in defining a "man" is physiological. After you hit puberty, you're a man. Separate from the "boys." 
Ghost says “not being rude and if you could reproduce your a man”
Random person says         5 - 6 inches = Man
3 -4 inches = boy
0 -2 inch = your probably a girl
Elaine answered “XY chromosome denotes male.
Why do you give a rodent's rear what others think?
James wrote “having a good heart in all your affairs doing the best that you can and always be honest.”
Someone who goes by bandit 6 says that “your size and your age don,t always mean your a man. being a man is the way you think and act.”
Another random person put  “Just because you've been with a woman or you are over twenty-one? Boy, have you got a lot to learn! When you get a flat tire or your car breaks down, and you actually take care of it yourself without calling home for help. Turning off the television and doing something productive. Stop telling us there is nothing to do or whining about how bored you are. Go out and explore the world! Live life and learn about everything you can. That's what men do. Picking up your own trash, washing your own dishes and doing your own laundry. These simple things are expected of any adult human being. You are not grown up until you perform these small tasks for yourself. If you can do these things, boy, as I have, then you will join the ranks of men. Until that time, you are still a child.
A lot of people commented on this post, and most had a distorted view of what the definition of a man is.
A lot of us fall into that category, we have allowed the culture of our time to define how we view being a man plays out.
If we are not aggressive, macho, fart, burp, play sports, have sex with any and every girl, spit over 6 feet, can’t beat the game Halo, or just play video games for two days straight no food or drink and without blinking THEN you are not a man.
And society says if you don’t measure up to what they define as a man then you can’t be excepted. Your a girly man
And if your a girly man then you must be Gay!!!!
And if your gay you can never be a man!!!!
This is what our culture pushes down our throats with movies, tv, magazines, etc.....
Hugh Hefner the creator of Playboy stated this: I think that the major message of my life and what I hope to be remembered for is someone who managed to change the social sexual values of his time absolutely. 
Everyone is pushing these ideas out there, so now if we buy into this then we either begin to think this way and have a false view of what a man is, or we live it out (oh I’m a girly man so now I must be gay because no guy excepts me so I’m going to who excepts me, either girls or other gay guys)
Are you seeing how this works.......
so if farting the stinkyest, spiting the farthest, beating Halo the most, having the most sex does not make you a man. Then what does?
Lets look at what the Bible Says:
Five Characteristics of being A Godly Man (there are many more, study God's Word to find more)
  1. Self-Control 
To many of us have no self-control. We lack the ability to walk in self-control
Titus 2:6-8 - Likewise, urge the younger men to be self-controlled. 7) Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity,dignity, 8) and(sound speech that cannot be condemned, so that an opponent may be put to shame, having nothing evil to say about us.
We need to be able to walk in this! Self-Control is one of the fruit of the spirit. If we remain in Christ and His word this should take a hold in our lives. Self-control on the internet, video games, friends, GIRLS, all of these things and more we need to walk in self-control.
You say Derek I don’t know how, I live on impulse. I tell you Get into God!!!! It is that simple.
When we remain In Christ God’s word tells us that a Good tree can not produce Bad fruit. Nor can it or should it hang out with bad fruit!!!
You want freedom from your addictions, things that you struggle with in self-control. STARVE IT!!!! DON’T FEED IT!!!! SEPARATE FROM IT!!!!!
  1. A Student of the Word
We must be studying God’s word. In order to become the Man God created you to be you must be in the word
2 Timothy 2:15 Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
It’s not completely clear exactly how old Timothy was but some say he was in his early teen years.
Paul is telling Him to become a man you must study the Word of God!! Not to be ashamed of God’s word and become a student of His word!!!
The same goes for us it’s time we put aside the video games and open up His Word!!
  1. Respectful
WOW this one is a hard one, these days no one is respectful
But as men we are called to be respectful
in our relationships (parents, siblings, girlfriends, etc...)
1 Peter 2:17 Show proper respect to everyone: Love the brotherhood of believers, fear God, honor the king.
We are to respect everyone and conduct ourself with honor.
Men don’t pick or throw fight’s-that is not a Man!!!
James 1:19-20 My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.
It’s the issue of self-control again
  1. Integrity
Integrity is your word, what you do when no one is looking behind closed doors
Proverbs 10:9 The man of integrity walks securely,  but he who takes crooked paths will be found out.
Proverbs 21:3 Clean living before God and justice with our neighbors mean far more to God than religious performance.
The way we live behind close doors where no one can see us, reveals who we really are in the heart
As men we are to have a standard that is above all, Clean living in sight and out of sight. 
When we get this down (and it is a process) then we can fully lead in all of our relationships and in our own life.
Live a life of integrity!!!!!
  1. Purity
This one is HUGE guys!!!!
The world has a standard all by itself and will lead you down a road that will lead you to destruction!!
The world tells you to look at whatever brings you pleasure- This leads to separation in your relationships( because of guilt, or discuss), disappointments in your relationships (because you set up a false view/expectation of your marriage)
The world tells you to sleep with anyone you can- This leads to distrust in your relationships, insecurity in your relationships, brings baggage (kids, STD’s, and guilt)

We must aline our standards not with the World but God’s word!
1 Thess. 4 :3-5 For this is the will of God, your sanctification:that you abstain from sexual immorality; that each one of you know how to control his own body in holiness and honor, not in the passion of lust like the Gentiles who do not know God
2 Timothy 2:22 Run from anything that stimulates youthful lusts. Instead, pursue righteous living, faithfulness, love, and peace. Enjoy the companionship of those who call on the Lord with pure hearts.
Flee from anything guys that will lead you down this road
Computers, Tv, Friends, Movies, Girlfriend
What is it that is distorting your view tonight, What is leading you down this road of destruction, what do think a man is, and what do you need to flee from tonight?!!!???!!
Name it and FLEE from it!!!!
Become a man who pursues God and His Word!!!!
Define your idea of a man from God’s word!!!

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