Friday, September 24, 2010

Things that waste my Time.......

Here is a short list of the simple things in life that when added up waste HUGE amounts of my life.

1. Software updates - I hate starting up my computer only to have it tell me I have like 1,000 new updates. I then need to restart my computer as it takes at least 15 min to update everything.

2. Any and all lines at WalMart - Seriously this has to be the worst. First of all WalMart insist to be under staffed. They have like 100 registers with 15 of them open, which leads to a lifetime long line. The worst is when you have like three items to check out and they wont let you check them out in the electronics section so you have to stand there for three days to check out a tooth brush, your wife's monthly pads and some baby formula

3. Special orders at Taco Bell - This one Speaks for itself, Taco Bell refuses to hire anyone with a high I.Q. (did I mention that I worked at a Taco Bell when I was a teenager)

4. Going in to pay for gas when the credit card machine outside does not
work - This just upsets me!! Please get it fixed already!

5. The Bears 2009 season… all of it! - I love the Bears but last season is one I try not to think about!!

6. THE DMV - Just sitting there waiting for your number to be called! And after every number is read you look down like you don't know it's not your number just hoping that it magically changed when you were not looking.

7. Playing Monopoly with people who take their time - These players need to be blacklisted from the game. I created my own list of players and my wife Lily is at the top!!

8. Making the bed in the morning just to mess it up at night - This one is where Lily and I have a problem. She will not convert to my way of thinking. Please pray for God to open her eyes

9. Pre 90′s movies that showed ALL the credits before the actual movie - One word "Brutal"!! When you have to sit through 15 min of credits before the movie starts, that is just not right!!

10. Trick candles… really, what’s the point? - I never understood trick candy

More to come….......
or maybe I’ll keep you waiting anxiously for nothing.  That would be a waste of time.

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