Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Daily Devotion

Standing Firm Under Fire

Daniel 1:8.

Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine.”

How God blesses pure hearts

Imagine yourself in Daniel's position. As a member of the ruling class of Israel, he had been among the first Israelites taken captive by King Nebuchadnezzar's conquering forces. Now he found himself under the control of a high official in the Babylonian government who ordered him to train for three years for a position in service to the king. The menu at the "royal training center" included rich meats, deserts and wine. Some items on the menu were not only unhealthy, but also taboo according to Jewish law.

Because of their Jewish training and strong convictions, Daniel and three of his friends took the risk of requesting a different diet. Four teenaged slaves of the most powerful ruler on earth approached the head guy in order to strike a deal. They proposed that they become vegetarians inso they could avoid offending God's dietary laws. Surprisingly, the commander agreed to let them have their way for ten days--undoubtedly believing that they wouldn't deteriorate too badly in such a short time.

Imagine the guard’s amazement when the four young men turned out to be significantly healthier than the rest of the trainees at the end of the test period. Having passed with flying colors, Daniel and his friends were allowed to continue their special diet.

However, the real test came at the end of the three year training course. Would they make it? Would they barely squeak by? Would they fail miserably? None of the above. When the tests were finally scored, the four Jewish vegetarians got the highest scores in the class. And not just a little higher. They scored ten times better than even the most experienced magicians and enchanters in the kingdom. God chose to bless Daniel and the others who maintained their values and obeyed his laws.

Every day we face decisions similar to Daniel's. Our friends, classmates and teachers place temptations before us that provide opportunities to either compromise or obey God. Will we participate in conversations or actions that smudge God’s reputation? Will we write an essay that reflects the world's ideas about an issue instead of God's? Will we chicken out when God gives us a perfect opportunity to identify ourselves as Christians? Or, will we choose to stand firm and become lights shining in the darkness?

God frequently places us in situations that demand taking a risk in order to do what we know will please him. The Lord blessed Daniel and his friends because he stood up for what he knew would please him. He will do the same for us. So, what will you do the next time such a situation arises in your life? Will you cave in and follow the crowd? Or, will you stand your ground in order to please God?

  Today’s Prayer:
Holy Father, make me strong like Daniel. Help me every temptation to compromise as an opportunity to please you and receive your blessings. Give me the inner strength I need to dare to be different as I obey you. Amen.

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