Friday, December 10, 2010

12 Things I HATE about Youth Ministry

Yesterday, I reflected on 12 things I love about youth ministry—it was hard to keep the list to just 12! Serving in youth ministry is great, but sometimes I allow my priorities to get mixed up and give it more than I should. When the needs of the ministry consume and devour my life, and it results in no margin, no accountability, and no joy…it’s time to change things. Here are some of the warning signs, 12 things I hate about youth ministry:
1. Fatigue can result in poor leadership decisions. This season, I need to get some rest!

2. The nagging feeling that I may have given up too early on that one high maintenance kid.

3. Overload leads to taking short cuts and doing what’s easy rather than doing what is best (or right).

4. Sometimes I am tempted to skim in my spiritual life since people really don’t know if I skip my personal time with God.

5. I can take criticism personally and use it as a club to beat myself up.

6. I believe the lie that the youth ministry is the most important one in the church. I become territorial and build high walls around youth ministry within the church.

7. Insecurities and fears feed one another until they’re consuming. While cocooned, I rest, refuse to take risks, and become satisfied with the way things are.

8. My drive to be faithful and grow the ministry can move us from honest persuasion to manipulation.

9. I feel like an unsung hero, wallow in self pity, and then feel guilty for having the need to be affirmed.

10. I get confused or indignant when other leaders seem to love the ministry as much as I do.

11. I let success feed the self-deception that says, “I did this on my own power…or…I can do this on my own power.”

12. The pressure to perform and please others distracts me from trusting God.

Christmas is a great time to step back and remember the important things in life: God’s love for us is unchanging, uncompromising, and unconditional. He loves all of my students more than I do and is working within to draw us closer.

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