Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Signs of Old Age

I admit, I wouldn’t label myself as being old, but when a student said to me “What are you, like 40?”  It got me thinking…what makes me look and act so much older to my students, and here are some answers and TOP 10 SIGNS OF OLD AGE:
  1. You get bored after 3 minutes on Facebook
  2. It takes you 5 days to recover from a pick up basketball game
  3. Your wife tells you everyday to get your eyes checked
  4. You think it is a good idea to get White Castle, but the rest of your body thinks it is a very bad idea
  5. When choosing an outfit comfort rules over style
  6. When you are young it is “Why this” & “Why that”…and now it is “What?”…… “What?”
  7. You get the most laughs when you do something athletic
  8. The two words that give your heart complete joy are “Nap Time”
  9. It takes you about five min to txt two sentences
  10. You think Lady Gaga is a character on a children’s program on the Public Access Channel 
Sadly, most of these are true about me…does that make me seem so much

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