Getting Ready for the Conclusion of "The Battle Of the Sexes"
I really had a great time these last three weeks. We have seen some kids really giving their heart completely to Christ in the areas of Sex, relationships, their identity. I really enjoyed the fact that we were able to separate the Boys and Girls, it gave us an opportunity to talk about issues that pertained to them more specifically. I just pray the kids leave from this series challenged to glorify God in all they do. Last night we concluded the teaching part of the series by having all of them together. Here are the notes from the message.
The Battle of the Sexes
week 3
How does God desire us as people of God to live?
let’s look @ I Thessalonians 4,1-8
Here we see 5 things that Paul writes to the Thessilonian Church, 5 things that God desires for us to live and walk in.
1) Sanctification - verse 3 “For this is the will of God, your sanctification
What is sanctification?
it’s really in two parts:
- sanctify- set apart to God.
when you step in to a relationship with God you are set apart from the world to God through Christ
- sanctification - The process of a holy lifestyle set apart for God.. sanctification is a process
When Lily and I went on our first date, things kicked off real well. But if we would have left the date and never talked again or seen each other again, could we say that we are boyfriend and Girlfriend six months later?
Why not?- because we spent NO time with each other
Its the same as our relationship with Christ just because we become a Christ follower and we sanctified (set apart to God) doesn’t mean that we can leave this place and never commune with Him.
Romans 8:29
For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed(process) to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.
This is a lifestyle/process to be conformed by the process of sanctification that will be completed in heaven
We must establish this sanctification process by having a RELATIONSHIP with Christ
- Abstaining from Sexual Immorality ( 1 Thess. 4:3)
Paul uses strong words in 1 Corinthians 6:18
Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body.
Why Flee?......
He could have said resist, rebuke, or any of the other words. Why Flee?
I feel it’s because Sexual Sin is against ones Body.
When we tell a lie, say something mean, rebel against our parents, that effects others around us.
Sexual Sin damages us (emotionally, physically - STD - Pregnancy)
Joseph in Gen 39 when he was confronted by Potiphar’s wife (His boss) the Bible tells us that he RAN!!!
He dropped everything. All he new was that he needed to get away from that sin situation
We as people of God need to be pure before God and before our Future Husbands/Wives. FLEE, RUN, ABSTAIN from ALL Forms of Sexual Sin
Flee From - making out, parking, bad movies, - How far is too far? - If you don’t feel comfortable doing it in public in front of the ones you love and know, DON’T DO IT
- Control Your Body
This is one of the Fruit of the Spirit
Galations 5:22-23
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.
What does it mean to walk in Self-Control?
What does it mean to be out of control?
What does it mean to be addicted to something? - Out of Control
Living a life of Self-Control before God is having behavior suitable for God.- Again this is a process/lifestyle that we must strive for. (David’s example)
David blew it in many ways...... So why was he known as a man after God’s own heart? Not because he was perfect but because when confronted (convicted) he repented and turned. He strived to be closer to God.
It’s a process, you wont be perfect but you can strive to be closer to Christ.
How is your lifestyle? Is it a life of Self-Control, a behavior suitable for God?
We don’t strive to be accepted by God we strive to Glorify Him!!
If humans or the World cannot respect our life style then would that be a right lifestyle before God? (A woman with a child out of wedlock is often looked down upon, Homosexuality, Ratings on Movies.......etc)
- Holiness and Honor
Holiness - state of being Holy/Godly
Honor - High Respect, A Good Name, having A good Reputation
We as Youth for Christ we need to have Honorable names, meaning what are you known for?
Holiness/Godliness is just like Sanctification
It’s a lifestyle, a process, something that we strive for.
What are you striving for these days?
Are you living a pure life before God?
In this day and age we are being pulled and pulled in every direction...... Just not to God
The culture we live in today is full of traps to pull us in every direction away from God. So why do we not invite our friends to Church. The enemy wants your friends, he wants you to be pulled away by distractions, So GO out and help your friends
What are you distractions?
Over the last three weeks we looked at some ways that God DESIRES us to live and respond to His word
Lets live our lives PURE and STRIVE for a right relationship with our creator!!!
Last year when we did this the Girls won. Now the winning team walks away with some serious bragging rights because the loosing team has to get down on their knees and profess that the winning team is the superior Sex!!! Last year the Guys lost so they got on their knees and the girls just soaked it up.

This year will be even Better!!!!
When will this take place you ask???? THIS SUNDAY NIGHT!!!!
15,000 POINTS - GUYS
15,000 POINTS - GUYS
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